Sunday, December 20, 2009

Time To Act

With the state legislature gearing up for its next session, it's time to contact your state representatives and urge them to submit and support a bill to eliminate the needless daylight saving time move in Utah. There is zero benefit, and many disadvantages to this semi-annual ritual.

The legislative session begins January 25, 2009

Brad Last email (State House) =
Stephen Urquart (State Senate) =
Gary Herbert (Governor) = (email form)

Monday, April 13, 2009

No, go back, go back

China has a single time zone for the entire country. People and businesses adjust logically, rather than changing clocks and traversing tim zones.

Saskatchewan (Canada), does not observe Daylight Saving Time. Hawaii also does not observe Daylight Saving Time, and of course, neither does Arizona. Arizona does not observe DST because they "don't need more sun." Well, if Arizona doesn't need more sun, Utah further to the north and receiving more summer sun than Arizona, does not need more sun either. That extra sun in the summer is wasted on the late night, since most people go to bed before it gets dark in mid-summer.

This Aussie makes some compelling arguments, a worthy read:

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Getting Up In The DARK!

Top of the morning to ye. It's St Patrick's Day, Daylight Saving Time is here, and I still dislike it. We now wake up in total darkness, even when we sleep in a bit, and the school kids walk to the bus in total darkness. There is not even a hint of daylight until about 7:30 a.m. well after both the high school and junior high kids are gone. The sun does not hit our house until 9:10 am.

I am still unable to find a single benefit we derive from Daylight Saving Time in Utah. Arizona got rid of this silly semi-annual change, I believe Utah should do the same. States are not obligated to use Daylight Saving Time. Their only obligation is if they do use it, they must change when the Federal Government says to change (March 8th this year).

Write your state representative and urge him to submit a bill in the next legislature to abolish DST in Utah.